Csatlakozzon 100% INGYEN és vegye fel a kapcsolatot

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gbryan Adatlap információk

King Seeking Queen
Év 74 Honnan való? Stockton, California - Elérhető - 2 héttel ezelőtt
Férfi keres Hölgyet

Általános adatok

I love to live. There are entirely too many things to enjoy in this life to be bogged down by anxiety and stress. listening to good music is my passion. Music is one of the greatest ways a person can express themselves. Plus it's a blast ! But I pride myself on being real and not being a bull hitter. Games are not acceptable and I try to always be up front and honest. Other than that...I'm a pretty open book. I think communication is very important and I try very hard to do that as well as making it as easy as possible for everyone to communicate with me. I'm very flexible. I've traveled the world both for work and play: have been to so many countries so far, still plenty of new places to explore!.I am very secure with myself and have found a great deal of inner peace over the last 2 years or so. I am Hard working, fun loving, romantic, passionate man!That's me! I am a true romantic man!I thrive on learning new things, having new adventures and growing as a person! I'm generally drawn to women who are confident, communicative, easygoing, and physically active, but then again, sometimes chemistry grows over time. I would hope she shares my love of travel, exotic food, and being active. If you have children, I am happy to welcome them in to my heart and life: I do come with an accent, which my friend described as 'cute, classy, unique l let you be the judge. But, if accents won't work for you, I'm obviously not the one for you!!

Megjelenés és helyzete

1.8 m
Családi állapotom  
Vannak gyerekeim  
Igen - Valamikor otthon
Szeretnék gyerekeket  
Nem biztos benne
Az amire büszke vagyok:  
Hajam színe:  
Sötét szőke
Cica, Van farmom


Egyetemi végzettség
Önálló vállalkozó
Adminisztráció / Menedzsment
International Trade
Ez évi bevételem  
24,304,922 - 60,941,327 HUF / évente
Nyugodt környezet
Kedvelem az alkoholt  
Igen - sűrűn


A középiskolában  
Szociális magatartásom:  
Család centrikus tartalom, Főzés, Kertészkedés, Halászat / Vadászat
Tökéletes szórakozás?  
Új dolgok kipróbálása
A tökéletes első randi így néz ki számomra:  
A frist date can lead to a wonderful relationship  or something more fulfilling.I would not come with great expectations for a first meeting. I think that it is important first to recognize if there is any spark that can be fanned into a roaring flame. Meeting for coffee or Mint tea. Hopefully, we would want to meet again to do something that you enjoy or just a walk and talk to get to share some interesting details about each other. If you are the one for me, I would eventually be playing for you on my piano "I Bless The Day I Found You."  After all the interpretation of ones love given is that of  the one interpreting it. To me a first date is an interlude of what to come.This is what I fantasize about our first date If I find someone that i will love, care, understand, and cherish. I will phone you from a  restraunt we have agreed upon.She might be nervous, so I will gently take my hand, look into her eyes and tell her to take a  deep breath.   Then I will smile and squeeze her ha
Így látnak barátaim:  
Felnéznek rám


Vallási nézeteim:  
Részt veszek a vallási szertartásokon:  
Hetente egyszer


Mit nézek?  
Hírek, Dokumentumfilm, Komédia, Filmek, Sportok, Valóság show-k
Mit nézek a moziban?  
Komédia, Romantikus filmek, Dráma, Dokumentum film, Család centrikus tartalom
Amikor zenét hallgatok, mindig meghallgatom a  
Ország, Klasszikus, Blues, Jazz, Gospel
Mit olvasok?  
Hírek, Üzleti, Klasszikus, Egészségügy, Sportok


Mit tart vonzónak?  
Tudás, Jó kinézet, Humor, Ügyesség
Mi az ami után kutat?  
My ideal match would be someone looking for a stable, loving yet passionate relationship. A kind, sweet yet powerful woman - who wants to know the real me. Just be yourself. Being attractive is great, but a persons true beauty is always on the inside. If you are into games ...please save them for yourself. Someone who is insightful, yet not preachy. Someone who can have sympathy for another imperfections by being aware of their own. A good sense of humor is a must. First for yourself and second cos you're gonna need one if you hang around me long enough. Be able to laugh at yourself...but be prepared to laugh at me. And if you're into music...especially, Jazz, r^b, pop, country and classic ...that's double bonus points. would love to meet someone that likes to do things as a couple. That also enjoys staying home with someone that likes to cook and cuddle on the couch and talk during weekends!!